Infusion Clinic in Melbourne --
Intravenous (IV) Vitamin therapy & Iron Infusion
Intravenous Nutrient Therapy (Vitamin Infusion)
Camberwell Medical Group provides intravenous and intramuscular vitamin therapy with the goal of addressing vitamin deficiencies and offering hydration support. Our clinic provides the administration of essential vitamins, minerals, and amino acids directly into the bloodstream, facilitating maximum absorption.
Iron Infusion
First Thing’s First: When Might Someone Need an Iron infusion?
Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in Australia. People with an iron deficiency have low levels of essential minerals in the body. Our bodies need iron to make haemoglobin, which delivers oxygen to cells throughout the body.
Low iron or haemoglobin may leave us feeling unusually tired. Additionally, it affects our ability to concentrate and function properly. Very low levels of ferric minerals can lead to a condition called anaemia.
If you have been diagnosed with an iron deficiency, your doctor might recommend an intravenous iron infusion to bring your levels back to normal.
Are Iron Infusions Invasive?
No. Iron infusion appointments take up to one hour. They aren’t invasive, and most clients can return to work after receiving one. There are very rare cases in which recipients may experience side effects, however, our team is very experienced in dealing with such an occurrence and will outline everything to you prior to starting the procedure.

How are Iron Infusions Administered?
If you’re iron deficient, you might choose to try oral supplements or adjust your diet. However, if these attempts are unsuccessful or ineffective, then it might be time to receive an iron infusion. Medical professionals will most likely administer your iron infusion via an intravenous drip. While this might not be your first option, it is likely the most effective for combatting your iron deficiency.
Please note that no referral is required for an iron infusion — only recent Iron Studies and Liver Function Test results are needed.
Are Iron Infusions common?
Yes. Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia are common conditions treated in general practice. They can be the cause of many symptoms, particularly chronic tiredness.
For sufferers of anxiety these symptoms may worsen if an iron deficiency coincides.
Apart from using iron supplements for treatment, there is also a need to investigate the cause of iron deficiency. Women are more likely to be iron deficient than men due to regular blood loss through menstruation. Gastrointestinal diseases and chronic blood loss can also contribute to low iron stores.
Why Camberwell Medical Group?
We are GP owned and operated and provide a wide range of medical care from general to specialist. We service clients in various areas around Inner/Eastern/Southeast Melbourne.
Glen Iris
Surrey Hills
Hawthorn East
Balwyn North
Reach out to us for professional and trustworthy iron infusions and other medical management.